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Events News Post #641

Tactical Deviation

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Saturday, April 27th, 2019
Addressed to: Everyone

Objective: Alliance
Assets Employed: Silon'ukia, Trusad'an, Nahu'an, Gattan'bahar
Dictation Command: Silon'ukia
Battle Command: Gattan'bahar
Status: Achieved


Study of recorded data by the Thirst indicated that splitting attention between Seleucar, shi-Ashtan, and shi-Shallam was a key component in dividing focus during ancient assaults. Reports provided by the Secret Storm indicated that the presence of coalitions was a core factor in resistance to submission in recent assaults.

Acquisition of allies is deemed a priority in ensuring the maintenance of proper focus upon needed goals without necessity of further division - the Dark Earth is not sanctioned for destruction of Tezlari-tarin owing to risks of obliterating processing samples. For this purpose, an offer was dictated to shi-Hashan following First of Six. Presence of reservoir arcanum, tsuura-niena-saara, noted as a contributory factor in decision.

Agreement by shi-Hashan was accomplished through strange overland processes (named as "democracy") and no Meld. Communicated by morain-Krizal, quick and open allegiance to our cause was secured. As this is the first such agreement made with Tezlari-tarin since len-asa-shuun-Seleucar, Terminus of Destruction is available to shi-Hashan. Further accomplishment of our promised offer is forthcoming, pending consultation with the Genesis. Oddities of the morain-Krizal specimen profile are corroborated by reports of similar alien profiles during the First of Six conquest. Proposals of further study as time permits meet with preliminary approval, and are assigned to secondary importance.

Surviving coalition forces of shi-Targossas, shi-Eleusis, and nahu-s-hailqad-Cyrene, led by shi-Ashtan, attempted multiple retaliatory assaults. Interference by shi-Mhaldor proved predictably inconsequential and was quickly disposed of. Use of the Forbidden was recorded, and the dangers of its employment were voiced.

On recommendation of the Thirst and as a demonstration of might, the Secret Storm claimed twin Weapons in reassurance of the nascent agreement. Display proved successful. Limited losses encountered by twin Weapons proved inconsequential to overarching tactical considerations. Assessment for assurance of continued stability has been scheduled. Apperception indicates trophies passed beyond Prime borders into hands of unsuitable enemies. Proposals for recovery are remote at this time and of tertiary importance.

The next phase shall proceed as planned.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Summary: The Tsol'teth provided a proposal to Hashan of open allegiance to the cause of Anzari-tarin, the first bargain with a surface city since before the dawn of Seleucar. Following Hashan's decision to enter the offered alliance, Coalition forces staged a full and immediate assault upon Hashani, countered by native citizens accompanied by the Tsol'teth warriors Gattan'bahar, Nahu'an, and Trusad'an.

Penned by My hand on the 21st of Daedalan, in the year 799 AF.

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