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Public News Post #6827


Written by: Esrytesh Sibatti dur Naya, Kin of Vo'acha
Date: Tuesday, September 20th, 2022
Addressed to: Everyone


You trespass upon the mantle of Godhood, wielding devastation that was not yours to wield. This careless devastation is far from "temporary and material." You have levelled an entire ecosystem and then some. Would that your scholars and scientists bothered to step outside and learn about the natural world you so smugly regard as beneath your concern, before choosing to discard it like the trash that litters your streets. You have wiped the eldest of the Great Trees from Sapience entirely - blessed Onimah is no more.

You forged yourselves a counterfeit license to do the unspeakable, wrenching out a shortcut in the name of efficiency and progress, and you expect Sapience to be grateful for it? At what point in this months-long process, wrapped up in your insulated Spires, nose buried in books, did you know the price of ruination and elect to push forward?

No, I do not blame you.

For your books cannot properly imbue you with the hope of a rising sun across a spring morning in woodlands now levelled. They will not convey to you the warmth of the summer storms that will never rain upon the savannah again. It would be equally impossible for you to appreciate the bounty of what She gifted to us; I would wager that the majority of you do not even know it even existed. You create without feeling, soulless replications to mirror the void within your deficit souls, indebted to the very darkness you claim to lead the fight against.

May your smug comforts serve as the warmth you will surely need in the eternal winter of your cursed suffering.


5 The Onimah shone with light, and its leaves began to fall. Where
. they struck The Forest beneath the branches of t
. the shape of the world was changed. The hills and mountains rose
. high into the air, and the valleys formed between them. The
. creatures watched in awe as the forces of the Triad fell upon
10 the world, and they had Hope. Hope for life, hope for strength,
. hope for the world.


I speak now to those struck speechless by this horror to not lose Hope, for it would make Her gift to this world meaningless. As you flee from the lands of hubris, know that Her arms yearn to welcome you within Her nurturing embrace, and Her love comes to those with right intention. Life awaits you, in all of Her beauty and splendor.

It was Renewal who brought hope to Creation, and who sowed the seeds of Hope that we might learn to be more than we were. The sun will rise over our world again, made warm and flourishing under its caring light. From Hope springs all those things we trust in, all those things we take for granted. We remember, eternally.

We remember, through life and loss, that Hope springs eternal. For Dia'ruis ("Lleis") is our Breath of Hope, and She is eternal.

Should this stir the wellspring of your heart and cause your soul to sing, seek any of the Heartwood for the path to becoming Her warden.

- E. S. N.
Presiding Voice of Duiran

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 1st of Ios, in the year 505 MA.

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