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Public News Post #6769


Written by: Knight-Commander Sryaen Taziyah, the Spectre
Date: Thursday, July 28th, 2022
Addressed to: Everyone

To set the record straight here, there was no pride in my decision to destroy that bell that I made with my own two hands. The same bell that I, along with about a dozen others, spent a quarter day pushing across the entire damned continent just to get two rings out of it.

Herald Kalena Emerson approached me with a plea from a Carnifex Knight, requesting the Beacon provide them with bells for the Shadow Keep - whose location lies directly ahead of the path of the encroaching rot. I was entirely disinterested in the idea of assisting the Carnifex, whose members have done nothing but hinder our efforts in Sterion since the start of this.

However, I reluctantly agreed, believing in the words of my fellow Herald who fought so hard for you. Maybe she was right. Maybe we shouldn't stoop to your level, and instead take the high road. Can we afford to, in such trying times? Can we afford not to?

Before we ever got a chance to consider the details of actually constructing a set of bells, a handful of Bloodlochian citizens showed up and attempted to seize control of the enormous bell we had there.

They didn't ask. They didn't offer to replace it. They set their sights on something they coveted, not to help the rest of us in our fight against Ohlsana, but to add it as a trophy to their military arsenal.

All because they were too impatient, or lacking the decency to exchange words.

Bloodloch's actions this past week were the equivalent of shitting on my living room carpet and blaming it on the dog, except the only problem is that I don't have any pets.

The loss of the bell is a decision I would make again, because not only did we get off a third and final, glorious ring that was a middle finger to both Ohlsana's forces, but to the Sanguine Fist as well. You don't always get what you want. Maybe next time you'll learn to play nice with others and ask to borrow their toys. Because if you had asked, we would have said yes.

As for the citizens of the Dragon of the North, and our long-standing Duirani allies; the Beacon looks forward to continuing to work together in the days, weeks and months to come. The combined efforts and levels of cooperation I have witnessed over the course of this give me hope that not all is lost.

Remain ever-vigilant, and continue to stand ready to face whatever horrors the Shadow Mother can throw our way,

because the culling is nigh.

- Vanguard S. Taziyah

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 2nd of Severin, in the year 504 MA.

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