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Public News Post #6695

Fallacies of Logic

Written by: Knight Finid Gallant, the Wild Rose
Date: Monday, May 30th, 2022
Addressed to: Everyone

Logic. A seemingly unique tool which some know how to use and others do not. One of the things which Private Xenia fails to mention in her fallacy of logic is that in her decision to inform everyone what they must charge for refills is that people have this unique thing... free will.

This free will naturally allows us to act and do things that we want with some consequences that may or may not follow. This can be as innocent as stopping to help a child and reaping the reward of a smile, deciding to go into battle without having noticed your armor decayed and finding that swords hurt, or even something such as having a great night drinking and waking up with a painful hangover.

Another fallacy of logic what this Private made is that merchants are merchants with a reason. They enjoy what they do and can charge whatever they want. If this is low, then buyers rejoice! If it is high, then merchants rejoice! In the end, logic dictates that those who are free to price items whether pills, elixirs, weapons, armor, or what have you will do it as they see fit. Not as someone else, who is as likely an enemy to them with no concept of who they are, what they want, or even will ever likely grace the humble walls of their stores, would try to order them.

This has been your weekly logic reminder.


Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 24th of Slyphian, in the year 502 MA.

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