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Public News Post #6674

Bloodloch's Failure

Written by: Knight Scandland Saravhin, the Emerald Wolf
Date: Sunday, April 24th, 2022
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings, and blessings to those who live in the Light.

A leader is many things: responsible, just, steady of hand, heart and mind, and most importantly, rational. They lead their people to better times and to further heights. I've seen this in the current and previous leaders of Enorian, Durian, and Spinesreach. In times of peace, they prospered. In times of dissent, they solved the issue. In times of war? They've accomplished much. It is the city? garbage heap that is Bloodloch and it's 'leadership' who are none of these. They seek to enslave people, including my own, while fighting amongst themselves. Not just fighting, it seems, but plotting half-baked plans to forcibly cure the Primus. And, who do they ask for help? Others. They can't even rely on their own so called 'Strength' to follow through in anything but hunting down daydreaming people or contesting the occasional foci.

It is this that gives me hope for my people, along with the many folk standing up against Bloodloch's half-army. My people, the Mhun of Moghedu, will persevere as we always have. Take all you can, Bloodloch, we'll be there to get them back.

Entesh, untesh.

Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 6th of Ios, in the year 502 MA.

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