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Public News Post #6602

A Response

Written by: Knight Scandland Saravhin, the Emerald Wolf
Date: Friday, March 25th, 2022
Addressed to: Everyone

To address your answers, Alela and Senator Holbrook,

Alela, the Truth is not bound to only one Order or a select group of people. It is an ideal shared by many, in various ways. For example, Lord Dhar's followers do what is right, regardless of any obstacles. However, to do what is right requires you to know the Truth of every situation from every aspect. This allows you to make the most informed decision possible. I see this in Executor Sryaen, who is quick to hold his action until he is fully prepared. To go further, as a Templar I am bound by my Oath to protect those who cannot protect themselves. My eyes seek the Truth in every situation, so that I may do my duty to the best of my ability. To attack Truth is to attack the values of nearly every Enorian citizen, and surely most Duiranites as well, if not all of them. We stand united, as we always will, regardless of what we stand against. If we fight amongst ourselves, we do so as siblings and allies, and will never hesitate to protect each other. I hope that you may see the Truth in this.

Senator Holbrook, I stand for many things. Some of which I am still learning of, but most are things that make up who I am as a person. These are called morals, if you aren't familiar. I seek to protect those who are too weak to protect themselves, as the Legion may claim to do, but I will never raise my weapon to be used as a tool to further a war. I am no ordinary soldier, I am a Templar Knight. This is the difference between myself and the Legion. I seek to inspire others with both my words and actions, and teach Truth to all who will listen. I see the value in others regardless of their strength or what they can do for me. This is what separates people like me from the Legion. They are just like the hounds the Carnifex use in the sense that they blindly follow what they are told to do, regardless of any moral implications. Who all has suffered due to the needless brutality caused by the Legion? Was it not my own childhood home of Moghedu that was threatened with genocide? Who, with the best interest of the population, would resort to such violence as their first solution?

The answer, and the Truthful one, is a threat. One that's had quite a clever disguise, if I may say so. The savior of Sapience, here to protect us. There's Truth to be learned, Senator. You speak of contradictions, so there you go.

Also, you did happen to speak ill of my brother, read your own words.

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 2nd of Lleian, in the year 501 MA.

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