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Public News Post #6478

Revel in the Hunt

Written by: Devout Elene Arcan-Tetzauh
Date: Thursday, October 21st, 2021
Addressed to: Everyone

To all who would seek to perpetuate and engender Fear,

I thank you for driving the primal instincts of Esityi's Gifts into the hearts of those who dread the end of their existences.

Fear is one of the strongest and longest existing emotions that every mortal who walks these land would inevitably feel. Fear is a cruel vice that clamps down unforgivingly and forces us to learn the depths of our weaknesses.

So take your fill of the Hunt.

Kill. Slaughter. Triumph in your victory.

Feel your satisfaction in the gut-wrenching screams as their hearts are ripped from their chests, and laugh as they flee from the terrors lurking not in the night, but in the hearts of the self-righteous.

Revel in the fact that you have helped your prey descend into the embrace of Corruption's Spiral.

The Gift that runs in the veins of the Blooded sing with Her Touch, after all. Let them feel what it means to exist.

Devout Elene Arcan-Tetzauh

Penned by my hand on Gosday, the 19th of Khepary, in the year 498 MA.

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