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Public News Post #595

Spiro, exterms, defense of nature

Written by: Unca Baklava Nominuk Forestwalker, Babbling Brook
Date: Wednesday, August 7th, 2002
Addressed to: Everyone

I am of Duiran but I should not be presumed to be representative, nor
an official representer.

As for explaining what happened -- are not exterminations obviously a
wrong against nature? Even if we discount your inability to guess that
we'd take offense at plants killed en mass, everyone's free to read our
laws: 'help laws Duiran'. What, exactly, is there for anyone to spin?

Yet somehow you've managed 163 lines of spin. I'll respond more briefly.
When I quote a word it's in its original context; just a much shorter

You think we bargain your penalties? Do you barter with Shallam and
Bloodloch, calling their enemy status invalid? Somehow I doubt it.
We're overwhelmed by your graciousness at deeming our fine "valid",
and yet somehow we're the "haughty" ones in your mind.

Duiran, like all other upright organizations, does not start rumors.
I think we all know how most rumors start -- regular, under informed
folks. Which is why they're disregarded by intelligent leaders.
You've now set the record straight.

As for your suggestions regarding our internal structure I fail to
see how it has anything to do with your not paying the fine to date.
By your own account you only stopped your lawbreaking when threatened
with an herb ban. To my knowledge no ban was threatened, officially.
Culling is different, and was done by Haern's order. If there were an
herb shortage -- after you exterminated more than TWENTY TWO ROOMS --
you'd blame it on us who caretake and harvest?

Your city leader is allowed to threaten whatever they wish and so may
your GM. Do you question their leadership too? You speak of willingness
to negotiate, yet haven't paid the fine you considered valid? Even if an
individual was in position to negotiate against an organization they'd
wronged -- wouldn't that be a good first step? You call defending the
wilds against extermination tyranny? Problems with authority indeed.

Penned by my hand on the 20th of Midsummer, in the year 77 MA.

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