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Public News Post #565

Tasur'ke, a dream for many.

Written by: Veritas Alyosha Daganev Karamzov
Date: Friday, July 19th, 2002
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings People,

Between the time I decided to write this post, and the actual writing I
have learned a lot about this subject of Tasur'ke. From citizens of
Tasur'ke, to those apposed to it, to random folk on the street. And to
me, the common thread between these three groups is what I consider to
be a misscommunication and selfishness among most of the people.

Firstly, to comment on some of the previous posts on this subject.
Dreams and ambitions of a people, a group of people who have a valid
right and desire can not be dismissed with a wave of the hand and the
phrase, "you lost get over it." How many of us have tried to reach a
point in our lives, only to find failure. Did we give up? I hope not,
for giving up is one of the worst things you can do to yourself. Most
people strive and work and work untill that point is reached.
Secondly, I do not think it is wise for someone to try to use brute
force and a bully tactic to acomplish their dreams. If one has a dream
as large and pernament as a new city to grow and be free in, while being
protected by those who wish them harm, One has to convice other people
that, that dream is good for everyone, not just a few people. I am a
strong Citizen of Shallam, but from *some* of the people who wish to
make Tasur'ke a city, I have seen a true desire for freedom, and not
just some "power play game" that everyone likes to assume is the reason
behind everything.

Now, I find posts that complain and do not offer constructive
suggestions pointless, so as a Person who preaches kindness above all
else, I offer these suggestions to people on all three sides of the
1) Not all city development has to completely wipe out an area of nature
to fuffil its needs. Embrace the nature allready existing and enhance
with with some Stone, to make a stable defense against your enemies.

2)Talk to eachother in a personal matter, rather shouting and assuming
that you are right and they are wrong. Listen and embrace new knoweldge
and ideas.
3) The Public boards should be used to talk to the public, not
individuals. If public oppinon will not affect one issue over another,
please message the individual who needs to hear it. That said, this post
is for the three sides of this conflict. I urge you all to listen,
think, and *then* tell Us (the public) why I am wrong, or why I am
4)Come to a compromise, If the totem can not be destroyed, use it. If
Tasur'ke refuses to be developed, try another location like Hashan. But
only if that will work for you in the long run. Hurting yourself now for
later gain is good, gaining now only to hurt yourself later is bad.
Also, perhaps the ancient ruins of Hashan can be renamed to New

Thank you for your time to read all of this, I hope it is of help to
you. I tried to put pieces of what I learned in my guild that can be
used by everybody. Please let me know via message or tell if I have been
able to help you in any way. For that is what I am.

-- In Truth and Kindness, Veritas Alyosha Daganev Karamazov

Penned by my hand on the 7th of Severin, in the year 76 MA.

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