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Public News Post #3547

Duiran and it's current problem

Written by: Grand Master Talonnb Silverain
Date: Friday, August 19th, 2005
Addressed to: Everyone

To : Everyone
Subject : Duiran and it's current problem

I'm glad to see this topic has sparked so much interest, but I don't
really see why there should be so much arguing going on. I mean, come
on. I love to simplify things, so I'll keep this short and sweet.

- Yes, you had your skills taken away, mainly cause you were overcome
(or just stupidly gave in, I'm not sure) to the corruption that made you
nuts.....You chose that path, deal with the consequences. I don't
remember the last time corruption led to any kind of path leading to
benefit, so live with the loss, call it a learning experience.

- Threatening Duiran will do no good...come on, you were a leader, you
know how they deal with this kind of thing, and the constant posts from
your previous fellow guild members stating this fact are getting

- Burning forests hurts everyone. Duiran won't all....other
than the ability to sell their herbs. Most have all they need to weather
this problem, so you're just screwing Aetolian's, not them.

- For goodness sake, why do you humor him? Why do you think he persists?
He's getting a rise out of you so he thinks he'll get his own way.
Ignore him, deal with him when you have to, but sheesh, don't clutter up
the public boards repeating the same 'Duiran is strong, we don't take
threats!'. I mean, fine and dandy, don't take em, deal with him and stop
bothering us.

- Not planting herbs will only hinder yourself from the money making.
Herbs will still be sold, people will still manage to find them, so no
worries there. What happens if Wedric isn't around for a year? There
goes a year of potential harvesting because you wanted to 'play it safe'
rather than taking the risk and dealing with Wedric when the problem

Everyone Else
- I apologize for how long this was, turned out a bit more of a ramble
than I thought. Don't humor either side with responses, they don't get
anyone anywhere. Just sit back and watch the world go on and live your
life to the fullest without worrying about all these stupid little

Thanks for your time,
Grand Master Talonnb Silverain

Penned by my hand on the 15th of Niuran, in the year 165 MA.

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