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Events News Post #80

Inspired Rescue

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Sunday, September 25th, 2005
Addressed to: Everyone

Subsequent to the ritual of Chakrasuls reawakening, many citizens of the
Beacon of Light felt outrage and disgust at the treatment of orphan
children involved in the rite. After a month of anxious deliberation, a
handful of citizens could wait no longer to act. Two of Enorians
citizens bribed a member of Bloodloch, Luthien Faeruithir, to obtain
information on the whereabouts and condition of the children in
question; their bargain provided them with clear details in order to
execute a rescue in a short time.

The children were beckoned to follow one citizen, and quickly ferried
into the Secretaries Chamber of one of the citys guildhalls. Once safely
inside, the rescuers pondered how to cure the children of the diseases
and conditions that Corruption had wrought upon them. Their efforts were
interrupted by one of the children, a boy, who was outspoken and
chastised the Enorians for locking him up away from his Goddess. He
proclaimed that She alone was truth and began insinuating that his
rescuers had fantasies about Her. Troubled by this turn of events, the
two citizens, Aren Thalion-Ryokus and Osifer Ryokus, called on their
Patron, the Goddess of Purity, Auresae.

The Goddess entered the chambers, looking at the children with pity and
remorse for the actions of Her Sister. Her gaze concentrated on the
outspoken boy, who, by Her admission, had been violated by the Lady
Chakrasul and was more of Her than of himself. Sensing danger to the
other children, the two Enorian citizens let the child flee to his

Lady Auresae departed, instructing the rescuers to be Her hands and heal
the injured children. Osifer departed to seek the meta-cure in the
underground forest, leaving Aren to call upon the powers of the angels
to heal the decaying boy. As the childs life passed from this world, the
heavens heeded the call, sending the archangel to the chamber. Enfolding
his arms about one of the rescuers, the archangel summoned the boys
spirit out of him, killing his disease and decaying body, but leaving
his essence intact and innocent. The boys carefree giggles accompanied
the archangels light as both departed for the spirit plane.

Dismayed, the rescuers realized that the childs physical form was
Corrupted, though his spirit remained Pure. They turned their attention
to the little girl, whose skin was cracking, blistering, and oozing pus.
She cried out in agony, begging them to help her, rubbing at her
breaking knees and elbows only to cause more irritation.

Osifer suddenly remembered the Mirror of Purity that sat dormant in
Treyes Park. The Mirror had been used once to destroy the essence of
Lady Chakrasul before - could it be used to heal the girl? Osifer and
Aren traveled with her to the park where they asked the girl to touch
the mirror. Nervous and scared that she was being used again for
nefarious purposes, the girl was wary. She was in so much pain that she
took the risk, touching the Mirror until it drew her forward and removed
the disease from her body. Free from pain, the girls personality showed
through, a bit daring, but pure and good, even if her body bore the
scars of her ordeal.

Much happier, but very tired, the girl was taken to the center of the
city and allowed to sleep in a guarded chamber of the palace. Claimed by
Corruption though, where the young boy disappeared to is unknown.

Penned by my hand on the 10th of Niuran, in the year 168 MA.

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