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Events News Post #72

The Naturalization of the Morgun - Part II

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Wednesday, July 20th, 2005
Addressed to: Everyone

Ever the Arch Dryad's most faithful devotee, Wedric Vespertine arrived in
the forest he had defended so many times with his life, rushing to
Amelias side amidst bewildered onlookers, stricken to see her on the
brink of death. The forces of corruption would soon discover what had
been occurring within the depths of the Morgun Forest, and - despite the
aggressive efforts of Caboose Laurn, Wedric Vespertine, and Adia - the
radical effects that the shards had already inflicted on Amelia had
altered the composition of the woods too greatly to answer to their

Fighting broke out amidst the opposing parties, but the need to continue
with the purification remained, and the water carriers were diligent in
their task. Bucket upon bucket continued to fall into the Sacred Spring,
until it was realized that the purified water was no longer having an
effect. Though slightly clearer, the source was still readily tainted
with a haunting emerald sheen.

Thinking quickly, the Mage Kikon Corona was summoned in an attempt to
blow the cloud away with his elemental abilities. It was obvious,
though, that this was no regular fog and that other means would be
needed to banish it from the cavern and expunge the rest of the
corruption from the Sacred Spring.

While some individuals continued to pour the purified water in hopes its
effectiveness would return, others turned to more radical routes,
devising a ritual that would bring together the Divinities of the Nature
Triumvirate in hopes that their blessings would cleanse the waters of
the Sacred Spring.

Wylliam O'Lyryus, Syliana, and Rhaea Thalion gathered with the few
stragglers who had not been chased away by the haunting sensations
emanating from the fog to pray to their respective Gods and call upon
their realms for aide in their rite. Speaking in the tongue of the
Hunter, Wylliam called to Lord Haern to strengthen them in their
endeavor to release the Morgun; to the Lady of the Seas did Syliana
raise her voice, asking that She let the waters be cleansed for they are
Hers; and, finally, Rhaea sung out loud and clear that the Hope of Lady
Lleis would find its way to the forest and remove the despair engulfing

The waters of the spring roiled violently in protest, bubbling as the
purity within and the effects of the rite caused more splashes of
corruption to release and expand the cloud further. Horrific shivers
still coursed through those in the cavern as the massive vapour of
expelled corruption began to leak up through the ceiling.

The Arch Dryads screams renewed as the vapour passed through her, its
form conglomerating above the barren ground on which she lay before
beginning to drift through the forests. A few had already anticipated
the cloud's direction, having caught the trail of a number of the stray
tendrils of green mist earlier as they snaked into the cavern where the
Mirror of Corruption lay.

Green lightning leapt in arcs upon the surface of the mirror as the
massive cloud filled the cave and began to interact with the unknown
materials lacing the mirror's surface. Splintering down the middle, the
mirror glowed a brilliant emerald from within as the very quintessence
of corruption continued to be drawn into the rapidly bulging face of the
swirling dark glass. The screams of the Arch Dryad echoed through the
woods, moments before her spirit dissipated into the surrounding air,
leaving nothing but a tell-tale wooden skeleton behind.

Crying for his love, the nayar Namal fell to Amelia's side, begging
futilely that she would still be alive. Stricken and weakened, Arghash,
the Elder Oak, stumbled from the room amid a flurry of dead leaves,
fearful that he too might fall from the dispelling corruption.

Barely moments later, a crowd still hovered hesitantly around the
cracking mirror, looking on as further tendrils of electrical charge
leapt upon its surface. A number of corrupt devotees uttered chants in a
strange tongue, while arguments erupted among the crowds. Word travelled
fast that the Arch Dryad had fallen following the purifying rite. Before
anything else could be done, the essence within the Mirror ruptured the
glass and burst forth, unable to be confined any longer.

The shatter of breaking glass echoed throughout the realm as the Mirror
of Corruption obliterated itself and the cave within which it stood.
Confusion ran among those thrown by the blast as they gazed upon what
once was the entrance to a dank cavern. Much to their surprise, a
teeming growth of wild vines and plant life had sprung from the
surrounding forest to close over it, much like a body absorbing a wound.

With the mirror of the Dark Lady shattered, the effects could be seen
rippling through the forest. With the source of the corruption gone, the
minds of the living trees were freed from their oppression. Amid the
fighting, the Elder Beech emerged from the bushes to pause beside the
fallen Arch Dryad and attempt to come to terms with the memories that
had been released in her mind and the minds of the other denizens of the
Morgun the tale of Scipter and the pacification of the forest long ago.

As the months following the exhausting events slowly passed, progressive
changes could be seen through the woods as tendrils of mist escaped from
the creatures and land, taking with them the despairing cries and
corruption. The forest had once again become what it was intended to be,
neither Good nor Evil, Light nor Dark but simply Natural within the
Rhythm's embrace. On Morgun Island, however, lies the bitter oak, Argash,
ousted from the council of trees and clinging to the dark heart of
corruption within him.

Penned by my hand on the 5th of Khepary, in the year 163 MA.

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