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Events News Post #63

Tribal Troubles on Ulangi

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Monday, June 13th, 2005
Addressed to: Everyone

One calm Ulangi day a Grook mother strayed from camp to find her son who
had run to play in the forest, but had been gone a little too long for
her liking. Calling for him throughout the boughs, there sadly came no
reply and Ingrada's worry grew and grew. Hurrying back to the village
she begged a few of the hunters to help her find him. Little Bruon was
quickly found. Much to the dismay of the villagers, however, Bruon was
dead, a Horkval arrow piercing his body.

Stricken with grief over the loss of her only child and infuriated at
his murder, Ingrada and the small troupe of Grooks took the limp body
back to their village. Left alone with the corpse of her child,
Ingrada's anger grew and grew as her tears fell until her cries could be
heard ringing through the village.

Screaming to any who would listen, she begged to know why her little boy
had been killed and why nothing was being done. A volley of cries
carried across the island as accusations flew between Grook and Horkval,
and the situation began to escalate with growing tension. Taking matters
into her own hand, Ingrada stormed from the village, past Syliana
Thalion and the guards who begged her not to go.

Down into the caverns of the Horkvals Ingrada flew, her rage carrying
her with haste to the Queens side where a crowd had gathered. Blinded by
her grief and fury, Ingrada was restrained by Resiak Heroun as she
thrashed to attack the Horkval guards she was convinced had slain her
son. The insects were gruff in their manner, and insults continued
between the two races before Ingrada broke free, rending a spear from
the hands of one of the guards and impaling him upon it but suffering a
head wound in the process that rendered her unconscious. The Horkval
guards quickly responded and slew the unconscious Grook mother.

Those present cried for peace, working to restrain those involved as
Queen Ktahla beseeched quiet, still giving birth to the many larvae as
the swarm of concerned visitors crowded her chambers. Once tempers were
calmed and the Grooks and Horkvals separated, the truth was finally able
to be found.

Bruon had been slain by accident, shot by a Horkval within the woods.
Afraid of the consequences, the guard had gone back to the hive without
saying a word. Unable to stand such cowardice within her hive, Queen
Ktahla was swift to lay punishment, exiling the guard from the hive and
banishing him from the island. Taken into custody by Resiak, the guard
was hastily escorted from the Island.

Self proclaimed Prince of Ulangi, Nightshadow Thalion-Ryokus did his
best to speak with Oorangu upon the subject when the Grook came to speak
with Queen Ktahla, but the wise one would hear nothing of it. Two of his
people had been killed and he was tired of mainlanders trying to dictate
the ways of his people.

With a few final words, it was coldly agreed that both the Horkval and
the Grook would stay out of the other's affairs and never dare to
trespass upon the others lands.

Penned by my hand on the 20th of Khepary, in the year 160 MA.

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