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Events News Post #224

The Crystalline Void, pt. 2

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Sunday, March 5th, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

The Master Crystals, last found to be reverberating between the planes,
were found, late in the month of Lleian, to have returned to their
former places. The relief from their appearance was short-lived,
however, for the crystals began to chime, quiver and swell.

Humming at erratic intervals, the Master Crystals grew beyond their
ordinary bounds, facets bursting to escape from their confines. As they
reached a critical mass, the Crystals expelled the material in a burst
of sharp detritus, cutting every nearby Ascendril, Sciomancer and
adventurer to shreds. At the same time, shards erupted from the ground
in the cities of Enorian and Spinesreach, growing back against any
effort to cull them.

All the while, crystalline entities emerged from their buried rifts and
struck out at any adventurer within their reach, though they were soon
beaten back by the combined efforts of the Mage guilds. The scourge of
the crystals remains, however, pending a more permanent solution to the

Amidst the chaos, Sneak, the Numerologist approached the Secretariat of
Spinesreach. Keen to bring about a new era in the study of Numerology,
which she felt that Eocik had cut unreasonably short, she spoke of a new
organization, predicated first and foremost upon action in the world at
large. Following a majority vote within the Secretariat, a new Spirean
guild was founded - the Archivists.

Ardent students of the arts of Geometrics, Numerology, and Bioessence,
the Archivists, born from Numerologists and Spirean loyalists, have
dedicated themselves to the collection and safekeeping of relics and
dangerous knowledge for the greater good of the Republic.

Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 2nd of Lanosian, in the year 464 MA.

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