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Events News Post #213

Axe and Axle: Three Rock stirs

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Wednesday, February 17th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

One of the traders local to Spinesreach was facing a problem. His caravan was late, laden with specialty items from Libec Cay requested by some of the northern city's craftsmen and scientists. To compound matters, his last shipment had not arrived at all! After sending out his personal guard, Trademaster Alkaev sought out the city's help. Feirenz was quick to gather details while alerting the city's Warden, Fezzix, of the dilemma.

Fezzix martialled those he could before investigating the Dry Plains, where he found the mired caravan, under fire from local bandits. Over-eager, the bandits rushed down the plains, many falling before a harsh voice called them into order. As more defenders arrived, Gevek One-Eye entered the fray, fighting on even after his men fell around him to the Spireans. Relief was palpable amidst the caravan's survivors when the great Troll was felled, and their remaining wagons escorted to the city.

Greatful for their aide, Trademaster Alkaev and his head teamster, Forli, turned to the inn to recuperate, but not before sharing what payment he could make - in true Spirean fashion - booze from the coast. The road has been made safer for a time, though the increased training and organization from Three Rock is troubling.

Penned by my hand on Gosday, the 12th of Variach, in the year 457 MA.

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