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Changelog News Post #1316

Some player-submitted ideas

Written by: Razmael, the Synthesist
Date: Friday, June 16th, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

Hey folks,

Here's a bunch of changes that have come from the player-submitted idea database. Thanks for your feedback!

* You can now refine 100 crystals at once from the Master Crystal, up from 50.
* The CHILDERLIST command for vampires has been updated to support CHILDERLIST ALL, which will list all your bloodline descendants. Descendants which you can use sire powers on will additionally be marked with a preceding * asterisk.
* There's also a new LINEAGE command which will show all your ancestors up to the Primus. Ancestors which can use sire powers on you will be marked with a preceding * asterisk.
* Funds for BUILDING commands when used in a building belong to an org will now come from the relevant org's bank accounts rather than player inventory. Cities will still continue to draw from the Development ministry's budget instead.
* Updated GUILD BANKACCOUNTS to have gold values be comma separated at the thousands and right justified. Also added a total gold value at the bottom.
* Bandages, rags and vials decaying will now dump their contents into your fluidcache, if there's room for them.
* STATUS will now show your total time played for today (starting from 0:00 GMT, the howling) so you can keep track of things like your 60 minutes login time for the free wheel spin.
* You can now search the directory via tradeskill type. e.g. DIRECTORY TAILORING [additional search terms], DIRECTORY WOODCRAFT, etc.
* Probing a relic piece will now tell you what relic piece it builds into. Although I do want to also remind that the RELIC PIECES command also exists.
* CONFIG CHANNELS OFF is now possible, which will make you immediately stop listening to all channels. This will remember your settings, so turning this option back ON will only turn back on channels that you had set on previously.
* You can now CONFIG IDEA_ALERTS ON|OFF to be informed when a new idea is submitted or deleted.
* LISTIDEAS will now show colour based on the support/oppose choices you've personally made.

Penned by my hand on Gosday, the 19th of Lanosian, in the year 466 MA.

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