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Announce News Post #2832

Bank vaults

Written by: Razmael, the Synthesist
Date: Friday, April 13th, 2018
Addressed to: Everyone

Bank vaults are here! A vault is item storage at your bank, where you can keep an item in exchange for a daily gold upkeep fee and they won't decay! You will initially have 3 item slots per bank, and you can expand these slots (on a per bank basis) for credits if you so choose.

Every real life day (at the Howling), your bank account at banks' whose vault you are using will you charge you 100 gold per item, plus an extra addon fee set by the city's Steward. If you don't have the money in your bank account to cover this, it's no big deal: Your gold owed will be recorded. If you have gold owing, trying to withdraw the item will charge you all the owed gold. Gold owed will also be attempted to be paid off at each Howling, if you top off your account.

Please note you won't get any messages or records about the gold being deducted. The only time you'll get a message is the first time the system detects that you won't have enough gold to cover fees for the next day.

Common sense applies to what you can't deposit at a vault, but just to be sure... You can't deposit any item that resets, is cursed, is a NPC, is an event item, or will decay no matter where it's stored (e.g. a buff chocolate). You also can't deposit any item that has items inside it. No storage nesting!

Do be warned that the nature of vaults does give cities a certain degree of control over your access to those items. We will allow this within reason, but if this gets abused we will be exploring solutions.

Here's an overview of syntax:
Note: All commands except LIST need to be done at the appropriate bank.

Lists all items you have stored in the vaults across the land.

Deposits an item into the vault of the bank you're standing at, if you have slots available. There is a 100 gold handling fee you'll need to have in your hand to cover this.

Withdraws an item from the vault of the bank you're standing at. There is a 100 gold handling fee you'll need to have in your hand to cover this. You will also need to have on hand any gold required to cover outstanding fees.

Add an extra slot to the vault of the bank you're standing at. This costs 10cr initially, and follows the fibonnaci sequence following that. i.e. 10cr, 10cr, 20cr, 30cr, 50cr, 80cr and so on. If in doubt, just do VAULT EXPAND to get a prompt about the cost - you need to AGREE to it anyway.

New commands for Steward ministry:
Note: All commands need to be done at the city's council room.


You can adjust how much gold per item per day that the city will charge for items stored in the bank vaults. The city will take this amount as profit. This is added to the 100 gold flat fee that gets paid to the bank workers (aka deleted from the game). i.e. setting bank vault fees for citizens to 25 means they will pay 125 gold per item per day. This profit can be taken out of the bank using the 'appropriate' command like normal. You can set this no higher than 1k gold.

This command by itself will show you how much you've set the fees for each of the three levels to.

Forgives the fees owed on all items stored in the vault for that specific person. This only forgives the city's addon fees. The fixed fees set by the game will still need to be paid.

Penned by my hand on Closday, the 24th of Lanosian, in the year 472 MA.

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