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Announce News Post #2700

A primer on Primus

Written by: Razmael, the Synthesist
Date: Monday, June 12th, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

Vampires rejoice, the new Primus can officially be selected!

Members of the Blood Council will have access to two new commands:
* DOMINION NOMINATE <potential primus>
* DOMINION CONFIRM <potential primus>

A Blood Council member can nominate someone who is not already on the council as a candidate for the role of Primus. Once nominated, the other Blood Council members must CONFIRM the choice. When 4 of the 5 houses have confirmed a single choice, that person will be ascend as the new Primus.

Here's what happens immediately after a new Primus ascends:

What happens to: Old Primus
The old Primus will be removed from the blood lines completely. They'll need to find someone to sire them back in. They will also lose their position as Overlord of Bloodloch, and Primus of the Dominion.

What happens to: New Primus
They'll be instated as the new head of the Dominion, the Primus. They'll also take over the Dominion's Overlord spot on the Bloodloch ruling council. Their sire will be unset, and all their childe will be unset and need to find a new Sire. At this point in time, the new Primus still doesn't have the House Leaders/Emperors(ess) as his childe. That will be done in a ritual (read on).

What happens to: House Leaders
The old Primus will be unset as their Primus, but the new Primus is yet to be set as their sire. A ritual needs to be done to officially complete the ascension of the new person into the role of Primus. We recommend doing this ASAP because as you know, not having a sire will cause your entire bloodline to start dropping generations!

The Ritual
There is a new ritual room (v64155), next to the throne of the Primus. The Primus will need to obtain the blood of the various House leaders in phials. You can do it without all the House leader's blood, but only House leaders whose blood you have on you will become your childe. This might make the House leaders that are stuck without a sire very angry at you!

Once you are ready, the Primus must BEGIN RITUAL while standing in the ritual room with at least one member of the Blood Council to act as a representative of it (they'll need to officially pledge to the Primus during the ritual). From there, just follow the prompts.

When the ritual is complete, the blood lines will be connected to the Primus again and you can resume your normal merry bloodsucking ways!

Penned by my hand on Closday, the 20th of Lleian, in the year 466 MA.

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