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Public News Post #6779

Kald's Indelibility

Written by: Lieutenant Tetchta V. Mesis, The Tick
Date: Wednesday, August 3rd, 2022
Addressed to: Everyone


Many of you still struggle to understand Lexadhra and what She means, what Her purpose is, and where Her favor falls. Fed on a succor of easy-to-understand tent poles to latch onto for support. "Follow these three-to-seven simple steps to be a more fulfilled and happy person."

Simplicity, while easy to grasp and wrap your heart around, easy to let define you, trains the mind to see only blocks of color on a canvas that contains a multitude of brush strokes.

If you wish to understand The Indelible, look upon the people of Kald. Look to these people with no weapons, no famous surnames, no real purpose other than to live a forgettable life that leads to another forgettable life.

Look to these people who defied the undefiable, who shirked northern abjection and fatalism to dig their heels in and spit in the face of a hurricane.

Look to these people who forever carved the name 'Kald' into the stone wall of history through sheer will and determination.

Look to these meger people who spat in the face of impossibility.

Look to these people with spines of iron, who wrested the reins of fate from the hands of futility.

Look to these people who won.

To see them, to witness Kald, is to know Her. To see them, to witness Kald, is to know permanence. To see them is to know that even those who would have no part of Her serve Her ends.

All who divert the river of destiny know Her and bring Her glee.

What is to be your mark upon history?

-Lord Tetchta V. Mesis
The Nine-Fingered Tick

Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 12th of Ios, in the year 504 MA.

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