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Public News Post #6142

Date Crashers

Written by: Leana Qizzeke, the Chirurgeon
Date: Thursday, November 2nd, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

To the violent aggressors,

Earlier this week, a group of brutish thugs accosted my beautiful wife while she prayed to the devouring Chaos that waits in and moves all things. The incident occurred on the heels of a pleasant conversation with a passing gentleman, as we enjoyed our day together. The assault happened without an utterance of the light or even a whisper of truth, just delicious violence.

For shame, warriors of light. We were outnumbered and yet... Why would you start a fight with such numbers and lose? I am disappointed that such savagery amounted to a whimpered scream. Where was your fire? Where was your conviction? Why did you try to use a weapon you were not prepared to wield over the rhetoric that you are so practiced in spreading?

Had it ended there, I could have excused it, but just as our date continued - which was a lovely tour of the rural villages of Sapience - it happened again. Almost exactly. Another missed opportunity to spread the enlightenment, to counter our truth with your own, less believable version.

Perhaps, next time. Or the next time after that. I do so look forward to these pleasant encounters. Please don't disappoint me next time.

- LQ

Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 3rd of Midsummer, in the year 469 MA.

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