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Public News Post #6133


Written by: Magister Shachalai
Date: Friday, September 22nd, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone


I'm not denying my desires, I'm fulfilling them by mocking you. Once again, you're assuming - wrongly - that merely because one doesn't hurt people the way you do, their desires are not being met. They are. There's nothing self-righteous about this, I just happen to be right and you happen
to be in search of excuses to behave badly.


No one needs to twist your words, because you're bad at arguing and you've banned your people from talking to me.

Here's my proposal.

If you're ever willing to take my bet seriously, Xenia has offered her services as an arbiter. She and I have spoken before, and it is my impression that although we differ starkly on the matter of ideology and cause, she is a woman of science and responsive to persuasive proof. Therefore she, in addition to two experts - one selected by whoever you put forward to argue with me, and one selected by me - will form a panel of three who will consider the arguments and the evidence put forward on the following, clear, falsifiable proposition:

"Is the element of Shadow destructive to our world?"

Provided we can agree on a definition of 'destructive', this seems easy enough to argue one way or the other. Our three judges will have options available to them: 'Yes', 'inconclusive', or 'no'. In the event of a two deciding 'yes', I will have won. In the event of two deciding 'no', I will owe the Sciomancers one million gold sovereigns, and this post will stand as proof of my intent. A result of 'inconclusive' will be just that, and no one will owe anyone anything except, perhaps, another debate at a later time.

I recommend that you choose Verrillia for the debate, personally.


Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 7th of Lanosian, in the year 468 MA.

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