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Public News Post #6114

Spirit, shadow and death to Sapience

Written by: Lorekeeper Aeteyr Bahir'an, Death's Messenger
Date: Monday, September 4th, 2017
Addressed to: Magister Shachalai

Following the recent discussion between the Ascendril Archmage and the
Sciomancers Shadow Warden, I find myself troubled. The theory, and it is
a theory, that the Archmage proposes suggests that shadow is somehow
greedier than spirit, and that therefore it must be a logical conclusion
to accept that shadow leads to the apocalypse of all.

The theory has of course already been disproven by one of the
Sciomancers, though I forget her name, in its simplicity because shadow
does not lead to the apocalypse of all. Undead and Consanguine are
mentioned, and though we'd certainly be able to adapt to lifeblood of
those from other planes of existence, it is still not a necessary
argument, simply because it would most definitely not lead to the
logical apocalypse of shadow beasts, and therefore not the apocalypse
for all. Accepting that fact, allows us to look at the other mechanics

Shadow is greedier than spirit. No, it is not. Greed, by its very
essence is the universal force of battling for survival. The realm of
spirit is filled with mortal things, fragile things, things that shun
death. By logical reasoning, spirit is far greedier than shadow, proven
by necessity in how death is an integrated part of the accepted cycle.
Mortal things need a universal culling mechanism, be it Consanguine,
Shadowbeasts or simple disease, and why is that? To prevent
overpopulation, which indeed would lead to the very same societal
struggles that the Archmage describes would happen in his apocalyptic
view of shadow. Lack of food sources, except for the privileged and a
general population starved to madness.

If something is truly proven beyond any doubt in this or any other
plane, it is that life grows exponantially left unchecked. It explodes
beyond belief. I wonder though, how do you indeed know so much about the
aspects of Shadow? Have you dabbled yourself? What experiments have you
conducted? Or are your evidence only based on the anecdotal meeting with
Mazzions singularities? Should you want theories to have substance you
need proof. I should say you should experiment with shadow and then
perhaps, if found successful, then you could write a book.

Here is my evidence. The element of Shadow has been a part of Sapience
for centuries. There is no apocalypse, and there has never been one. The
War of Shadow saw shadowbeasts violently assaulting Sapience, they were
driven back to the Shadow Plane. The Shadow Mother assaulted Sapience.
She was driven back to the Shadow Plane, and imprisoned. The Orrery of
Spheres for the last -four- sessions of activity, has been infused with
entire globes of elemental shadow. Still no apocalypse.

But apocalypse will come, and it should come, and that is a fact that
you need to accept, Archmage. If you logically accept that Sapience is a
living thing, that carries us, just like you are a living thing that
carries bacteria, then Sapience is bound by the very same cycle all
living things are bound to. It must die. How it dies, I can not say,
only that it will, and that it should. Death comes to all living things,
even the Divines, as you so aptly cited in your book. Do you think
Sapience is exempt? Would it be right if it was?

While I found your book interesting from a mechanical perspective, it
sadly is largely biased by the blind brainwashing that you have been
submitted to in your learning years. The equilibrium is intact, still.
But when I find a way to unbalance it, in my darkest ritual practices, I
most certainly will.

I am surprised your city has not set up flogging posts for you, publicly
claiming Shadow is stronger than Spirit as you have. I am sure that is a
moral boon for those in your guild.

Death find you,

Aeteyr Bahir'an

Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 25th of Arios, in the year 468 MA.

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