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Changelog News Post #1953


Written by: The Aetolian Team
Date: Friday, November 26th, 2021
Addressed to: Everyone

It is Friday, the 26th of November, and the following changes have been implemented:

- Dawn prayer for the Grand Flame no longer drops messages and displays empty lines.

- Iron bars, as in the commodity, may now be referred to with 'ironbar'.

- The general city stores have been updated to be more inline with each other.

- The 'ally_follow' artifact now ensures that it doesn't cause a follow loop.

- Dhurive designs can now be properly applied to your dhurive from shops.

- Gravitation Collision no longer triggers from an attack caused by berserking.

- Hidden the 'Displays' setting from CONFIG COLOR as it was unfinished.

- Fixed Carnifex cords not removing their color description on decay. Those who currently have a set will need to remove and wear the cords again to ensure they set appropriately.

- Spidermine bombs are no longer considered mobiles until activation, so you should be able to sell them in shops now.

- Firstaid should now better deal with channels that allow you to cure during them.

- Attempting to active Spiritwrack / Infiltrate will no longer use angel power if the target isn't in the room.

- The Scidve blood basin will now retain the blood within it for longer, so you can do the quests there more easily.

- Election contentions are now logged to the organization logs.

- You may now use DOFF and TIPHAT with the lure-hooked fishing hat and tricorn hat.

- Dhuriv Ambush movement / avoidance type has been fixed to dashing / charging.

- Dopplegangers and Mirrormasks should show properly on QL and WHO HERE now.

- CLASS LIST will now only show your true skill level, instead of the value after blessings and the like.

This notice was posted on the 10th of Ios, in the year 499 MA.

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