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Announce News Post #2551

Classleads July 2016

Written by: Keroc
Date: Thursday, June 30th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

Time for the big show! We're starting a bit early, but classleads for the July cycle are now open. As always, there will be a two week period in which you may submit reports for the various classes of the game as problems for us to look at.

Please make sure you read through HELP CLASSLEADS and HELP CLASSLEAD GUIDELINES if you are unfamiliar with the process. Only minor reports for Sentinels and Cabalists will be accepted at this time, all other classes can be submitted for with no restrictions.

Details on submission:

You may submit up to three reports for any skillset in the game to suggest combat balance adjustments, new features, or quality of life upgrades. Reports based on skills you do not possess will be much more heavily scrutinized. Please note that this three report limit is based across all characters you own.

Once a report is submitted you may vote upon its merit using the CLASSLEAD <#> SUPPORT/REJECT <reason> commands. Please provide well thought out reasoning as to why you wish a report to be implemented or not, and point out any shortcomings or additions you feel might be necessary. You can also simply leave a comment using CLASSLEAD <#> COMMENT <reason>.

Any reasoning which basically boils down to 'I agree with my bud' or 'This is a terrible idea' will automatically be discarded, and will you hurt your chances at passing through reports in future rounds. If you consistently provide level-head thought and indepth knowledge then your opinions will be valued more highly over others. You can use REPORTS ABSTAINED and REPORTS UNCOMMENTED to find submitted reports you have not voted upon or commented.

Please keep in mind the administration always has the last word, regardless of who has voted upon what and how many. It is not simply a popularity competition.

Good luck!

Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 14th of Lanosian, in the year 459 MA.

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