23.4.14 Teradrim Artifacts

Below are a list of artifact powers that directly affect those of the Teradrim class. For additional information on artifacts and artifact powers AP provides a list of the syntax available.

AP: L1, L2, L3 statboost
    - A rune of empowerment, boosts your weapon's stats by 6 points per level of the rune. See disclaimers under HELP WEAPONS ARTIFACTS.
    L1 statboost               +6 points                            200 cr
    L2 statboost              +12 points                            400 cr
    L3 statboost              +18 points                            800 cr

AP: L1, L2, L3 hunt_teradrim
    A runic clay jar. The powers will increase the damage the player does to MOBILES ONLY while their current class is the class to which the power is attributed.
    -L1 hunt_teradrim          5% bonus                             200 cr
    -L2 hunt_teradrim         10% bonus                             400 cr
    -L3 hunt_teradrim         15% bonus                             800 cr

AP: enhanced_golem            a shard of the Pillars                300 cr
    - When given to your golem, it will instantly bring it to level 100, and prevent it from dropping below that level. In addition, your golem will do 15% more damage. Simply GIVE it to your golem to make it work.

AP: enhanced_sand             a sandwalker's mark                   400 cr
    - While worn, you will be able to form a sand pillar without using equilibrium, allowing you to utilize sand abilities instantaneously. In addition, allows up to 4 rooms of sand to be maintained without generating a willpower drain.

AP: enhanced_sandstorm        a bronze torc                         300 cr
    - While worn, your sandstorm will always increase every 4 seconds, regardless of if you are standing upon sand or not. In addition, the effect of Harshen will be amplified.