What’s Aetolia doing, Episode 2

Mining has had its scope reduced! We’ll worry about things like random encounters AFTER we’ve gotten players their new commodity system. Expect more updates on this, but its scope should be of a size now that it’s mostly filling in some blanks. Our next class of Celani will ‘enjoy’ this job!

We’ve selected the next two mirror classes based on polls and ideas, and weirdly the two matched very well! Messages are being written this month, alongside the events themselves. Lessons were learned from the last set, so Builders can expect some jobs to come out when we hit the inevitable block, thusly avoiding it! June will be coding all that in using our new techniques. If you have not seen the other mirror classes yet, click here to read about the Revenant and Warden Classes.

As to a world event, stirrings have been going on for a while. If you haven’t met anyone interesting, keep your eyes and ears open, this one’s a slow build with a lot of hinting.

For those keeping score at home:

  • Mining – Descoping held, filling in design blanks for release
  • Mirror #3 – Class chosen, guild assigned, writing of events/skill messages begun.
  • Mirror #4 – Class chosen, guild assigned, conceptualizing skills (This one had a big change when we realized the initial idea could be much better, and we took a step back)
  • New Celani – Final choices in the next week or so, right up until the deadline.
  • Event – Ball rolling.
  • Side Projects – There are a few, but they’re largely being held in place for things we’ve announced. Some surprises might happen, but we’re keeping open about what’s being worked on.