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Public News Post #7249

Tired of Being Pushed Around? Want to Make a Difference?

Written by: Squire Zinna
Date: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Listen here, all you scoundrels and snakes, all sages and saints, and everyone in between!

Squire Zinna here, and let me tell you, I've seen the underbelly of this world. It stinks worse than a troll's armpit after a particularly rough night. Been there, done that, got the scars (and the nightmares) to prove it. It is a path that ends in a pool of your own blood in back alleys in the middle of nowhere, forgotten and unregarded, with the best possible outcome being an unmarked grave. Ask me how I know.

But you know what? There's another way. A way to fight back against the shadows that creep at the edges of everything - or, more obviously, the tentacles and screaming zealots that bother our sleep and darken our nights. A way to become the light instead of just cowering under it, a way to bring it about rather than hoping someone else does it. That's where the Templars come in! And we're recruiting We holy warriors, we knights of Enorian, we ARE the Dawn! We wield the power of the Akkari, champions so strong they make even the worst gurgling necro-prancer, the most clattering of shambling skeletons, reconsider their dark plans. And in case they don't reconsider, we aren't just thugs - we can do the thinking for them, too, usually by means of gently placing their brains (or other organs, where applicable) outside of their body.

Here's the deal:
If you don't want to be a punching bag anymore? We'll train you to fight back. Sword, shield, and pure, badass, righteous fury  we have it all and more.
Think the world's gone soft on darkness? We don't. We fight it head-on, and with the Akkari at our side, we fight good. Like, REALLY good. Capital-G Good, you might say. Get the picture? Or Maybe you've got a darkness of your own you want to conquer? We can help you channel that rage into something useful. Trust me, I know a thing or two about rage, about darkness, about overcoming and redemption.
Maybe your darkness is a little more subtle - taking the form of such despairing doubts as "why are we even here", or "what's the point of it all?" We have the answers, and we'll build you a sound body to house that sound mind.

Look, being a Templar ain't all sunshine and roses. There's discipline, there's sacrifice, and there's facing down some seriously messed-up creatures. It is the Duty. But if you've got the guts, you won't be doing it alone. You'll have a band of brothers and sisters watching your back.
Not everyone's cut out to be a Templar, that's a fact. But even if you can't join the ranks, there's a place for you in the fight. Follow the Light! Respect the laws, help those in need, and maybe, just maybe, a little bit of the Light's power will rub off on you - and you too will be a part of the Dawn.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up today! Templar life ain't for the faint of heart, but it sure beats being another nameless victim in the dark.

P.S. If you see any particularly nasty-looking evildoers lurking around, send them our way. We're always looking for a good scrap.

Zinna out!

P.P.S. And wash those armpits, trolls. Seriously.

Penned by my hand on Gosday, the 1st of Haernos, in the year 3 AC.

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