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Public News Post #5196

My Offer of Guidance

Written by: Niuri, the Ultraist
Date: Thursday, April 15th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone

Tsk. Were You ever so weak, Lanos? To lose Your strands of sanity at
this moment of crisis..

Yes, Brother. Hello. I was born from Your sacrifice. You perished on the
behalf of Sapience's salvation from the reaches of the Shadow Mother's
influence. Though Your essence and Knowledge formed half of Me, I
realise now that You preserved Your mind within the pieces of Your
sword, so that You may somehow live again, trapped as a spliced
monstrosity within Arion, the former God of Valor.

I know a portion of this Truth that You sought to propagate to these
mortals, perhaps by an unintentional effort on My part. I know more than
Your outdated bits of Knowledge You harbored within Your mind all these
years. About this.. Ylem the Dreikathi is so interested in. It might
come as a surprise to You that I experimented for decades within the
Leylines, even going so far as to attempt to entrap Iosyne using the
power I found within them.

Through Me was the discovery of the remnants of the Court of the
Consortium made. Through Me did research on the mysterious nature of the
Loci began. Upon these matters, I have shared what I could, knowing of
their importance and their places as the underpinnings of the mortal

Severn knew about the Dreikathi threat. For whatever reasons He holds,
He chose not to reveal it until this age when the situation calls for
it. I believe that He has been formulating His own plans then and
trusted no one else with this valuable information.

Both of Us hold the keys to eliminating the presence of the Dreikathi to
the world.

It is with this conclusion that I have come to, that has steadied My
conviction. I, the Ultraist, once more reject Your offer of Unity under
Your banner. Instead, I choose to stand by the Manipulator's side.

My fellow Siblings, heed not the ramblings of our insane Brother. Stand
with My Severn and Me, for We stand a better chance against the invaders
than Him.

Penned by my hand on the 15th of Ios, in the year 301 MA.

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