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Events News Post #293

Rise of the Arachnid Queen

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Saturday, January 23rd, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

Tragedy has struck Brekknit Pass!

For years now, the miners of Brekknit pass have been embroiled in battle with the local arachnids, playing a dangerous game of murder with the cavern's inhabitants. Though the spiders consumed many of their brethren for their own dinners, the miners often struck back at the nest's Queen by destroying her egg sacs for breakfast.

It seems the Arachnid Queen has revealed herself in response to her eggs' continual destruction. With an army of arachnid warriors birthed at her behest, the arachnids and their Queen swiftly overtook the caverns, slaughtering all who stood in their path.

By luck or wit, it was then revealed that a lone survivor managed to escape the turmoil. The aged historian, renowned for his research into the tablets and ruins of the Pass, sought help from anyone who would listen. A group of adventurers responded to his desperate call, composed of Ahkan, Dreacor, Caelya, Zcephonie, Kabaal, Caelbrook, Sinice, Salik, Mercer, Iyrandar, and Septus.
The brave group ventured into the mines and fought against the arachnid menace. Groups of the beasts fell before the prowess of the adventurers, until finally the Arachnid Queen herself confronted the trespassers. A heated battle ensued, and it was Ahkan who landed the mighty blow that felled the Arachnid Queen known as Tholnia.

This seemed to be the end, but is it? The aged historian spoke to Dreacor of a more final solution, the machinations of which have yet to be revealed.

Penned by my hand on the 25th of Halitus, in the year 96 AM.

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