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Public News Post #6382

Blood Slaves!

Written by: Primus Callidora Nehekhara
Date: Saturday, October 31st, 2020
Addressed to: Ser "Witness" Tetchta V. Mesis

Oh, Tetchta.

You speak of blasphemy as if you are the most righteous of individuals. Since your little temper tantrum began, you have slain 141 babies, 173 children of Nazetu heritage, and 116 women who were also carrying at least one child within them. You also proceeded to send me these children in boxes, wrapped up like pretty presents, and delivered by your warhounds. You also have gone so far as to reanimate the corpses of the slain babies to follow you around and do your bidding, as your own personal slaves.

The bloodslaves once under the Dominion's control in Bloodloch have long been given their freedom and are able to live their lives the way they choose. They have been provided shelter, jobs, food, clothing, security, and the ability to forge whatever future that they wish, even if that future does not include the Dominion.

Every slave that remains under the Dominion's control will be given their freedom, but not all things on this earth are done with the simple snap of a finger. Progress, growth, the "bigger picture" - these things are only accomplished with both great effort and time. The Dominion and I have actively been working to ensure that those who serve us only do so voluntarily.

Your actions are disgusting. Your actions are blasphemous.

Every baby, child, and pregnant woman you slaughter just before phasing and making your merry way to Bloodloch to cower in safety are individuals who will never be able to gain their freedom.

Your actions only take away from the individuals in Bihrkaen. You ensure that more and more will never be able to have a choice. They will never have freedom, for you have abolished their futures.

- Primus Callidora

Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 19th of Chakros, in the year 491 MA.

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