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Public News Post #6361

Acorns Auction!

Written by: Shaman Escelika
Date: Thursday, June 18th, 2020
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings Sapience!

A number of lovely squirrels from Duiran have offered their acorn stashes up for auction! The gold's going towards funding agricultural advancements for Duiran, so bid high! This is open to everyone unless specified in the listing, so don't be shy!

Just message your maximum bids to Escelika, keeping in mind 5,000 gold increments. Your current bid will always be 5,000gp higher than the previous highest bid until you are outbid! This allows you to bid high and not worry about being outbid if you're not around. Format your bids in this way: I'm bidding on SQUIRRELNAME, ITEM, MAX BID. You will receive messages confirming and updating you.

Example: MSG ESCELIKA I'm bidding on Darim, time, 100,000gp!

AD 1734 will track the details of the current bids. The AD will be updated just after the howling of each week.

This auction will last until 10th of Haernos, 488 MA, at the start of Winter.


Aithinne:(No Undead)
- Two Globes of elemental energy! (GLOBES)
- Volunteering her time! To be decided between winner and Aithinne. (TIME)

- Volunteering his time! This can be hunting trips or something else
decided between winner and Czcibor! (TIME)

- One custom papercraft design with the matching paper and a class
on hyalincuru. (PAPERCRAFT)
- An activity such as a date, hunting trip, or some time to ask any
questions the winner wants to ask! (TIME)

- Two custom firework designs, including five of each firework. (FIREWORKS)
(A lifetime discount should she retain the patterns for you.)
- Volunteering her time! To be decided between winner and Escelika. (TIME)

Iesid: (No Undead)
- One brew, with ingredients to the specification of the winner.
One alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink. He reserves all rights of
creativity beyond that but will work with the bidder. Bidder should
provide barrel or keg for large quantities. (BOOZE)

Jhura: (No Undead)
- A single custom forging design! (FORGING)

- He will cook a special meal just for the person! (MEAL)

- Volunteering his time! To be decided between winner and Oonagh. (TIME)

- Choice of one from this list: (CHOICE)
-- Courtship, a date - by those modern standards.
-- One custom fumologist smoke blend.
-- One fully tailored outfit.
-- One custom bow.
-- One custom perfumery item.

- A no-holds-barred tell-all/Q&A over dinner and/or drinks of her making (Q&A)

- Volunteering his time! To be decided between winner and Stine. (TIME)

Traice: (No Undead)
- One custom meal, complete with drink, for the winner. (MEAL)

- Choice of one from this list: (CHOICE)
-- 20 refills of every apothecary creation.
-- A date/time spent together with the winner.

- 20 ylem research tokens. (TOKENS)

Penned by my hand on Gosday, the 4th of Lanosian, in the year 488 MA.

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