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Public News Post #6232


Written by: Karhast Ahkaloer Erthokli
Date: Thursday, November 22nd, 2018
Addressed to: Everyone

To the staunch Queen of Moghedu,

For many years now have we considered your people not mere allies, but
friends indeed. Often indeed have we defended your city and people both,
have we stood against our enemies, and have we, even now, pledged to
defend people of a faith not ours - a faith condemned by each and every
one of our Gods.

We will continue to do so. We will fight and die - die very much,
perhaps - in defence of those whose faith we do not share. We do so in
friendship's name, and we hope that for the entire next century such
ties can be maintained. The test of friendship lies in harsh times, not
in easy ones, and we intend to pass such a test well.

And so we will not slay any Mhun in our city holding fast their faith.
We will not evict them or send them into the Argent Legion's waiting
blades, and we will treat them no worse than we have your own people: to
speak to them, as we have for a month now, with no further implied
threats or hidden blades.

If you are displeased or in disagreement with the city of Enorian, do as
we did unto you, and send out your wisest, your most favored. Have them
speak to our leaders, and see that they might be convinced. We have many
people that are well-educated in our ways willing to speak to yours, all
of which will be received better than assassins out for blood.

The Revelation teaches us that there is always mutual influence amongst
friends; that either party cannot go unaffected. For our people to speak
to yours is natural, and we would not see such a situation come to an
end. Be our friends, O Queen, and treat us like so. Slay not our
faithful, but meet them with your own words. Send out invitations,
missives, rather than knives and swords.

You wish to speak of allegiance? Yours is to act as one, too. There is
no warfare of words amongst friends; certainly we would both revile the
warfare of blood and iron instead.

Karhast Erthokli
A friend

Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 16th of Ios, in the year 477 MA.

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