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Events News Post #219

The Breaking of Bonds, Part 1

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Wednesday, December 14th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

Lured by the promise of vengeance, Kelliara strode into the hallowed hall of Skythrone and loosened the bonds of Heva, the Speaker with a simple, careless gesture. An explosion rocked the whole of the Three Widows as the peak of Skythrone exploded in a rain of stone and crackling, fulgent shards. The awakening god known as Heva, the Speaker, was set upon by a vast, seething shadow and driven far into the heavens as they struggled against each other in a titantic clash.

As the shards rained down across the whole of Sapience, a raging storm raged above the Three Widows and blotted out the sun in the days that followed. Tengetengti overlooked the dead in the explosion and found that the leadership of the city (and many more) had perished in the cataclysm. In a mad attempt to communicate and beg forgiveness of the slumbering god that had overlooked the Three Widows for so many ages, the historian asked that the shards be returned so he might build a shrine.

Meanwhile, in the sheltered city of Esterport, an envoy known as Dhalsia quickly relayed to her superiors (a protege of the auspicious Kull Ervenn of the much lauded Delve Research Society) the goings on in Sapience. With a keen interest, the scientist quickly established the Society's desire to collect as many of the shards as possible for further research.

With interest torn between establishing contact with these strange gods or pioneering research towards the fight against the Dreikathi, the people of Sapience swarmed across the land to collect the shards. Touched by the tempestous essence of air, the shards embedded themselves in the earth and denizens of the plane of air spilled forth. Many of the adventurers took the shards for themselves, crushing them within their hand and unleashing the godly power within. Many fell to the warping powers, while others gained god-like strength, an uncanny ability to dodge most blows thrust upon them and a gilded-tongue that spoke all languages known across the land.

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 17th of Variach, in the year 463 MA.

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