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Public News Post #6180

Stars Above! Issue 3, Summer 473

Written by: Mariena A. Cardinalis
Date: Thursday, May 10th, 2018
Addressed to: Everyone

* - *
Stars Above! *- - *
*- * - -*
( A seasonal news article shamelessly ripped off from )
( the creation of the Spirean Gazette and packed full )
( of entertainment )

( Star Charts )
As fortold by Biardha Karthi, (59535 in Esterport - Check her out for
full Star Charts for in-depth detail!), and expanded upon by Madame
Mariena, allow the Star Charts to guide your Seasonal relations!

^ Lyrana
* (10th of Variach - 9th of Severin)
* The Summer of year 473 will bring you great prosperity
* but your children will bring you heartbreak. REMEMBER! They
* must learn to swim on their own.

* (10th of Severin - 9th of Ios)
* It would be best if you hid your sensitive nature this season,
* Lypis. Nothing good can come from being too vulnerable with those
* who seek to take advantage of you.

(10th of Ios - 9th of Arios)

* * The heart will lead you astray this Summer, Artos. Try not
to be as foolhardy as in times past.

* Vayua
* * * (10th of Arios - 9th of Chakros)
* You are so reliable that you might find yourself stuck
* in a rut this season. Try to find something that tests
your boundaries, dear Vayua. You might surprise yourself.

* * (10th of Chakros - 9th of Khepary)
* Your Nerves will get the best of you this Summer. You're not
* alone, as this Summer's Stars are just plain bad for anyone
under sensitive Star alignments.

* Sukula
* * (10th of Khepary - 9th of Midsummer)
* *
* Please have care with your emotions this Summer, as it is a
challenging Summer for those who born under the sensitive Star
signs. Remember that it might not be the other person causing the

* Cthalut
* (10th of Midsummer - 9th of Lleian)
* *
* Your desire to interfere with a plan towards the end of
* Summer will be quite LARGE. Do NOT give in! Your family
* thank you for that.

* Verdantia
* (10th of Lleian - 9th of Lanosian)
* Your meticulous and reliable nature will help balance the
* the heart this Summer. Remember! Whatever your choices
* were not made without careful thought, as you make
ALL your decisions that way.

* Treyes
* | * (10th of Lanosian - 9th of Niurian)
| |
Resist your social urges around Midsummer to skip a truly
awkward social snafu! Your family name might depend on it.
If you can get past this troubling time, The rest of your
Summer will be smooth sailing.

* * * Sekhtet
* * (10th of Niuran - 9th of Slyphian)
* * Quit ignoring your powerful intuition, Sekhtet-born! You're
* * not crazy, you can tell and you are able to use it for
whatever you might choose to use it for. Stars Above!
will not judge.

@ (10th of Slyphian - 9th of Haernos)

Your freedom-loving will be tested to the max this Summer,
sadly. You will take on mantles that you will not approve
what you love. Be wary. If you do this too long, you will
chafe yourself and those around you raw.

* Shenebre
* * (10th of Haernos - 9th of Variach)

* * You might want to clean out those drawers this Summer,
Shenebres. Your squirrelling habits quick turn into
hoarding habits if not kept in check.


There were no Births to report.

-- Want the birth of your son or daughter announced in
Stars Above! ? Please contact Mariena --


There were no Marriages to report.

-- Want your Marriage announcement in Stars Above! ?
Please Contact Mariena --

G-A-R-D-E-N-I-N-G and W-E-A-T-H-E-R

A particularly cantankerous Winter meant that Spring has come
quite later and Summer started even later than that. As such,
the rush to get all early-start veggies in is on.

Please safeguard against an uprising of weevils, as they are
of particularly hardy stock this year.

Having trouble with pesky mosquitos? Try this candle!
In 1 jar, combine:
40 drops rosemary oil
1/2 jar of water
1 lemon
2 limes
8 fresh rosemary sprigs
1 tiny tea light

Chop the lemon in half, wedge in jar and set tea light onto it,
after adding rest of ingredients to jar. Light tealight.
Warmth of candle will warm rest of jar. Radiates mosquito-repelling
scent for hours.

S-e-n-s-i-b-l-e C-h-u-c-k-l-e

Q: Why can't you run through a campground?

A: You can only ran, because its past tents.

Brought to you by the leading source of all your fortunate
needs - Esterport! Stop by 61086 for your fortune read or
to contemplate in the garden tabernacle. Need married?
Madame Mariena is a non-demoninational source of all unity.

Penned by my hand on Closday, the 11th of Arios, in the year 473 MA.

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