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Public News Post #6121

Who cares

Written by: Razer
Date: Tuesday, September 12th, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

To whom it may concern,
You bicker left and right about who does what and what is bad. No one
cares, because the Shadow will be used anyways not one of you can stop
it. I don't speak for anyone who has posted. I speak for myself. This
arguing back and forth means and is doing nothing for you and your Guild
of Ascendrils. People are leaving your Ranks because you are going far
below what they are expecting out of leadership. You are going down that
spiral of destruction yourself and your taking more people with you. To
me that's great news because I don't have the raise a finger because
your doing it for me. To my thought you don't even have a million gold
to bet. If you even did Magister you wouldn't give it up, and you
believe in honor and all that crap you tell your young. I have shown my
opinion and as well don't care for your retorts if your so worried about
the Shadow do something about it rather then acting as if your right.
Also to your little puppet writing poems you must enjoy mocking people
don't you from what I heard that you're not only awesome at that but as
well as you are on your back.

Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 22nd of Khepary, in the year 468 MA.

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