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Events News Post #194

The War of Night, pt. 8

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone

Upon the month of Severin, rebuilding began in the ruins of Enorian - as
Rhulin, the dwarven architect drafted plans in preparation for the
reclamation of the city, refugees trickled from the Ilhavon and Mostyn,
whether to return to the villages, to the sacred places of their various
Gods, or simply to go to the Temple at the center of the ruins.

The last vestiges of the Nazedha threat were resolved permanently as,
under the authority of the Empress Freydha Shipbreaker, wife of the late
Baelak, they surrendered to the forces of Enorian. The prophet,
Kayalenki, prayed for cleansing - and was answered by hundreds upon
hundreds of the defeated Nazedha, pure of Corruption, marching out of
the waters. They had been reborn as Arqeshi - Nazetu free of Chakrasul.

The Arqeshi, uniformly recognizing that they had no desire to return to
their previous state, and that there would be no place for them in the
islands they had left behind, agreed to join with the Enorianites; many
divided amongst the guilds, while others entered into service as
laborers and carpenters, ready to build a new city upon the ruins of the

The shadow raids have remained steady but restrained, with no word from
Ati, the Shadow nor the Shadow Lord Murgraxis. The rift grows ever
wider, to the point where it eclipses much of the sky - with the Gods
still giving no clear response, the time in which a solution to the
threat remains viable is ever dwindling.

Penned by my hand on the 20th of Severin, in the year 452 MA.

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